Surgical Services
Surgical services at Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) include obstetrical (i.e. cesarean sections), gynecology, a wide range of general surgery, orthopedic (day surgery only), dentistry, ear, nose and throat, and ophthalmology. As is common in most hospitals, the majority of surgeries performed at GBGH are day surgery, however, some surgical procedures will require that you are admitted to the hospital for a short period of time following surgery.
Our surgical services team consists of General Surgeons, Surgical Specialists, Dentists, Anaesthetists, Registered Nurses, an OR Scheduler, and an OR Support Worker. The Surgical Suite at GBGH operates for booked surgeries Monday to Friday 7 – 3, but is available 24/7 for emergencies.
Once your surgery is booked, you will be scheduled for a Pre-Op Clinic appointment (2-3 weeks before your scheduled surgery). At your Pre-Op Clinic appointment, a nurse will meet with you and provide you with the necessary information about your surgical preparation i.e. food restrictions, medication instructions, blood work, x-rays, and answer any questions you may have. Please complete the Anesthesia Questionnaire prior to your appointment, as well as review the Guide for Surgical Patients.
If you are unable to attend your scheduled Pre-Op clinic appointment or have any questions about the day of surgery, please contact our OR Scheduler at 526-1300 Ext. 5247.
Patient Resources
Patient Handouts
- After Your Operation
- Ankle and Foot
- Appendix Removal (Laproscopic appendectomy)
- Arthroscopy
- Breast Surgery
- Caesarean Birth Post Partum Instructions
- Cataract Surgery (Dr. Scanlan)
- Cataract Surgery Post-Op
- Circumcision
- Cystoscopy
- Dental Extractions
- Dilation and Curettage (D&C) and/or Hysteroscopy
- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP)
- Gallbladder Removal
- Hand & Wrist Surgery
- Hernia Repair
- Laparoscopy
- Laparoscopically-Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy (LAVH)
- Loop Excision Treatment of the Cervix (LEEP)
- Myringotomy
- Nasal Surgery
- Orthopedic Hardware Removal
- Rectal Surgery
- Scrotal Surgery
- Tonsil and Adenoids (Adult)
- Tonsil and Adenoids (Child)
- Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
- Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumour (TURBT)
- Trans Urethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)
- Tympanoplasty / Myringoplasty