Staff Section
Welcome to the Georgian Bay General Hospital staff area. Below you will find useful links available to staff of GBGH. These areas are password protected. Staff will be required to enter their username and password to log into these utilities.
Wellness Resources for GBGH Staff
GBGH’s Wellness Committee has gathered a compilation of Wellness Resources for the benefit of staff and credentialed staff well-being.

Access Dragon Dictation remotely (from a mobile device):
GBGH Staff Outlook Web Access Email
The GBGH Staff Outlook Web Access Email link below allows GBGH staff to access their hospital email from any browser at any time. To log into your email, please use your hospital network login credentials.
GBGH Medworxx On-Line Learning System
Online education portal for GBGH staff, volunteers and physicians. The link below allows GBGH staff, volunteers and physicians to access the GBGH On-Line Learning System from home. The area is password sensitive and GBGH users require a password to access their individual learning plans.
GBGH Surge On-Line Training, e-Learning System, Policies & Procedures
Online education portal for GBGH staff, volunteers and physicians. The link below allows GBGH staff, volunteers and physicians to access Surge On-Line Learning System from home. Please use your hospital network login credentials.
Online Training and E-Learning Resources
- Mosby’s Clinical Skills Portal
- Bloody Easy Blood Administration Training
- Trillium Gift of Life Continuing Education Portal
(Select appropriate area of nursing and complete knowledge test) - Safe Lift, Transfer and Repositioning Program
(PDF includes lift education presentation, questionnaire and additional resources)