No Smoking
GBGH is a Smoke-Free Hospital
Georgian Bay General Hospital’s sites in Midland and Penetanguishene became entirely smoke-free on Canada Health Day, May 12, 2007.
Patients, visitors and staff must abstain from smoking at all times while on hospital grounds or in hospital buildings. This includes walkways and smoking in vehicles in parking lots.
We believe our smoke-free campuses:
- Protects the health of patients, staff and visitors;
- Will motivate people, including our staff, to quit or reduce smoking, a serious health hazard;
- Sends a clear message that prevention is as important as treatment for illness and disease.
Anyone who wishes to smoke must leave the property. Staff is not available to assist patients so arrangements must be made with family or friends. Patients needing hospital equipment (IV monitors etc.) must not leave the property.
Failure to comply may result in a fine in accordance with the Smoke Free Ontario Act and municipal by-laws, eviction of visitors and discharge or transfer of patients.