Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
As of January 1, 2012, Georgian Bay General Hospital is subject to Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). FIPPA provides the public with a right of access to information we hold, subject to limited exemptions. It protects the privacy of individuals whose personal information we hold, and provides them with a right of access to their own personal information.
For the purpose of FIPPA, personal information does not include personal health information, which is subject to the provincial Personal Health Information Protection Act.
Freedom of Information FAQs
What records does Georgian Bay General Hospital have?
Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act , (FIPPA), GBGH must publish a Directory of Records listing the general classes or types of records in its custody.
Does FIPPA provide access to Personal Health Information (PHI)?
No, personal health information is subject to the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). PHI at GBGH may only be used and disclosed in accrdance with PHIPA. For more information about personal health information, see Privacy on the website.
How do I request access to information at Georgian Bay General Hospital?
First, consult the Directory of Records to ensure that we have the records you want, then download and complete the Access Request Form. You must clearly identify the records to which access is requested and be sure to include your contact information together with the $5 application fee (non-refundable) payable to Georgian Bay General Hospital. Make a Freedom of Information (FOI) Request.
Are there other costs involved?
Yes. Under FIPPA, GBGH may charge $7.50 per quarter hour for search and preparation time for general records. As well, a photocopying fee of $.20 per page applies to all records that may be disclosed. We may charge an additional fee of $10 for CDs or other storage media.
You will be advised if the processing fees will exceed $25 and you will be asked to provide a deposit of 50% if the estimated processing cost exceeds $100. We will let you know if any exemptions under FIPPA apply to the records you are requesting so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not to pay the deposit.
What can I do if access is denied?
You can appeal the decision. FIPPA provides an individual with the right to appeal any decision by the head of an institution, including the decision to charge a fee. The Information and Privacy Commissioner is authorized to conduct an independent review of any decision made by GBGH under FIPPA.
Contact the Privacy Commissioner’s Office
Who can I contact for further information?
GBGH Freedom of Information: 705-526-1300 ext 5640 or