Midland COVID-19 Assessment Centre

Midland COVID-19 Assessment Centre

Effective Wednesday, November 17:

The Midland COVID-19 Assessment Centre is relocating from the Georgian Bay General Hospital site to the North Simcoe Family Health Team at: 619 Prospect Boulevard, Unit 3 in Midland.

Any testing appointments booked for November 17 and onward will occur at the new location.

Those in need of a COVID test will still be able to book via the GBGH website:


*** The Midland COVID-19 Assessment Centre does not perform testing for outbound travel purposes.

To obtain a COVID-19 test for outbound travel purposes, please visit the following for more information:

The Midland COVID-19 Assessment Centre located at 1156 St. Andrews Drive, Midland (clinic building in the GBGH Midland site parking lot) and is open:

  • Monday: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday: Closed
  • Wednesday – Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


  • 1156 St. Andrews Drive, Midland

How can I be seen at the Assessment Centre?

  • To book an appointment online, please click here.
  • Call the Assessment Centre booking desk at 705-529-1025, Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


*** As of September 24, 2020, the government of Ontario changed the guidance for COVID-19 testing. The new direction from the Ministry of Health states that low-risk, asymptomatic individuals should not be considered for testing at Assessment Centres. Those who should seek testing at an Assessment Centre include:

o   Individuals with COVID-19 symptoms

o   People who have been exposed to a confirmed case of the virus, as informed by your public health unit or exposure notification through the COVID Alert app

o   Some who is a resident of or work in a setting that has a COVID-19 outbreak, as identified and informed by your local public health unit; and

o   Those eligible for testing as part of a targeted testing initiative directed by the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Long-Term Care.

For more information, click here.


What happens at the Assessment Centre?

You will be assessed by a nurse at the Assessment Centre and swabbed with the sample sent for processing. You will then be given instructions on how to self-isolate at home.

If I am tested at the Assessment Centre, how will I find out the results?

View your test results

If I am tested, how long will it take to get the results?

This will vary depending on the number of tests being performed. You will be advised to remain at home in self-isolation pending the results of your test. Regardless of the results you must self-isolate at home.

Click here for a guide on how to self-isolate

For general questions do not call or go to the COVID-19 Assessment Centre. Instead, please call Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit at 705-721-7520 or 1-888-225-7851.