Page 5 - GBGH Patient Handbook
P. 5
The GBGH nurses, physicians, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians work to
prevent medication errors by reviewing your medications with you. They ensure
medications are ordered correctly and all changes are clearly communicated
to you throughout your stay and at discharge. Expect to be asked about your
medications several times. It is part of our process to ensure your safety. You can
help in four ways:
1) Please bring in an up-to-date list of medications (if you have one) and
all your medications, as they may be used in the medication review process.
Please include prescription and over-the-counter medications, inhalers,
creams, eye drops and medicated patches. We may ask you to provide your
own medication during your stay if we do not stock the medication. We also
ask you provide your own eye drops, inhalers and creams to prevent waste
of these products. All of your personal medications will be stored securely
and returned to you when you are discharged.
2) Do not take your own personal medications in hospital unless directed to do so.
3) Tell us about allergies or bad reactions to food or medications.
4) Ask Five Questions about your medications
Changes to your medications may be required during your stay. Help us
ensure your safety at discharge, or anytime during your admission, by asking
the five questions listed in the poster on the next page. You can also request
to speak to a pharmacist during your stay.
Always ask about
any medication
you don’t
recognize before
you take it.
Exceptional Care, Every Person, Every Time 5